
Monday, October 3, 2011

If this were the last night of the world. . .

If this were the last night of the world,
What would [you] do?
What would [you] do that was different?
Unless it was champagne with you?                                                           Bruce Cockburn

No reason we can’t enjoy music while we plan for the . . . last night of the world!

(Click here to catch Bruce’s live performance on YouTube! Go ahead. We’ve got time. No hurry, really! The Aztec calendar doesn’t predict the end until December of next year.)

Of course, THE end is not likely to come all at once! (Even less likely while I am enjoying a glass of Perrier-Jouët’s Fluer de Champange!).  

The Cold War threat of instantaneous nuclear annihilation programmed so many of the Baby Boomers, most have forgotten to reforge a different end-times scenario. For example, even the Apolcalypse, as narrated in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation, will be years in its unfolding.

The Mayans, Revelations, Nostradamus, the I Ching, Vishnu, and the self-absorbed blusterings of Glenn Beck have all been drawn into a vortex of new age schemes and notions on how the end is immanent. Whether or not it is, we can have some fun planning how to last for the duration of the event - in style - and not simply rely on being vaporized in the opening sequence.

Where can I get the best view for the end times?

            I took an extra five minutes to scour the web for the safest and best place to in the world to experience the end of the world. 

           Mr. Manjunath offers videos on YouTube and other documentation to support his notion that the best site is some remote area of the Himalaya Mountains. Now I don’t know Manjunath, nor are we likely to ever meet, but his idea has merit. After all, if I were to guess where the best place was to get away from everything collapsing, the Himalayas would be a reasonable guess![i]

            Ok. Himalayas. Logical – but, rather inhospitable, don’t you think?

            Instead, consider sitting back and watching the “storm” roll in, iced tea in hand, somewhere like this:
The island nation of Seychelles.

            I immediately recognized that this website, apparently authored by expats, had lifted my spirits and assuaged my eschatological fears simply by offering beautiful vistas around the world. With Papua New Guinea, Costa Rica, and Tuvalu among the 10 Best Places to Live for Escaping World Conflict, all I could think to do was smile. . . and, hum a few bars of R.E.M..

Yes, I know last week I promised to look into shelter options to accommodate us during the collapse / disintegration of the Western (and, Eastern) World.

 I promise, if we’re both still here next week, I’ll clue you in on some awesome apocalyptic housing opportunities coming to your neighborhood.


[i] Actually, Manjunath mentions the Kailash Mountains in the Himalayas. Those interested can visit his site by clicking here.


  1. Rem announced their break up last week..I'll bet they have the same information as you and decided there was no reason to stay together!
    Paula Phillips

  2. Nick always wanted to go to the Seychelles. I'm sure my spelling is wrong. Wonder what kind of concerts they have on the beach there.
