
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Them with the most STUFF, WIN!

Alright, then. I must assume that you have sat down at the kitchen table by now and planned your initial steps to survive the end of the world. Perhaps you have already made arrangements with a contractor to construct your underground, blast-proof, water-proof, varmit-proof, gas and chemical-proof, long-term hardened shelter. By cashing in a bit of the gold bullion you have been collecting, perhaps you can build in Tuvalu.

            What’s that? You haven’t any gold? It is one of the essential items you will need as world tumult gains momentum – and it will! Soon!
            I just uncovered a message from our President that should spur your plans along. It is a pre-recorded speech to be released on December 21, 2012 – the date the Mayan Calendar cites as the beginning of the end. If you have any doubt why it is important now to begin your preparations in earnest, check out the doomsday message here.

            There’s not much time to get everything done. First, then, lets organize a list of what you will need to take into the shelter with you (besides friends and family, of course):

·         Food
·         Water
·         Home security tools
·         Bartering Means

Fortunately, the marketplace has niche merchants that have taken the doomsday scenario(s) to heart AND have generously offered to help us “be prepared.”
For FOOD, check out Food Insurance on the web. This site offers an easy calculator to make your planning easy. Simply go to “How much do I need,” plug in the number of people and the length of time you will need to feed them. Packages are available for 2-week to 12-month emergency plans. Of course if you adjust for time necessary to plan, plant, and harvest a garden – you may want to purchase multiple 12-month supply packages (No need to worry. The “food” has a shelf life of 25+ years).

WATER is a critical component of your survival plan. People can live for weeks without proper nutrition, but only days without water. You might consider the WalMart solution here and simply buy a Brita© or PUR  pitcher for $20 - $40 (with dozens of replacement filters).
REI, the outdoor equipment retailer, has a full line of “filters and purifiers” you might want to check out (perhaps some will be listed in their “Sale & Clearance” category so that your savings can go toward a private stash of Perrier – just in case you find a need to celebrate!)


HOME SECURITY TOOLS can range from stun guns to anti-zombie weapons. You will want to be prepared for any and every eventuality.Along the continuum of weapons (aka “Home Security Tools”) are pistols and rifles. But don’t overlooks the availability of decommissioned, military-grade weapons of less-than-mass-
destruction capacity.

Finally, a brief review of BARTERING MEANS.

Any number of websites will confirm that – even IF the WORLD doesn’t end – OUR MONETARY SYSTEM is DOOMED!!! (If you don’t believe me, you can google it yourself!)
The Euro, the Yen, the Pound Sterling, and, yes, the Almighty Dollar (thanks to Ben Bernake) are all losing their value at catastrophic rates. It’s not clear who is behind this devaluation – whether it’s the IMF, United Nations, the Federal Reserve, or some other vile entity – but world currencies ARE collapsing!

What can you do? The experts on doomsday scenarios seem unanimous on this response. BUY GOLD!

Gold has increased in value by over 400% in the last decade or two (even more if you go back a hundred years or more!). You can’t lose money by investing in gold AND its value will be easily acknowledged in the world of chaos that lies in wait just around the next curve in the road. There are many places on the web where you can negotiate the purchase of a pound or two of gold. But buyer beware! I’m not sure how trustworthy some of these merchants are. Still, at over $1,700 per ounce, how can you go wrong!!

            We’ve covered a lot of ground with this post. I apologize we haven’t the time to go into each topic with more depth. Hopefully, I’ve given you the roadmap of items you’ll want to gather with you in your shelter. The rest is up to you.

            My next post will possibly be my last (I just heard on NPR this morning that the world might end on October 21, 2011). If there is a topic you would like me to discuss before signing off, please send me a post.

            So, for now, let’s go out with a song. Better yet, 21 songs for the impending apocalypse!


1 comment:

  1. Oh No! October 21st! I planned on buying my gold on the 22nd! I wonder which assignments I'll get out of.....
    Paula Phillips
