
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Looking Down the Long Road

Harold Camping was wrong! (Again!)
- Or -
Why your creditors are still calling you on October 22, 2011.

Let’s give Harold credit for at least trying to unravel the mystery of  The Long Road. Most of us don’t spend the time necessary to be prepared for Armageddon, let alone speculate on when it will come about.

We let others do the hard work! .

Ice ages, meteorites, earthquakes, war, famine, elections, and revolutions each are critical elements in formulaic predictions of end times. Once a person dares to take the challenge and  enter such a bedazzling array of possibilities, it's no wonder that they may easily commit a miscalculation and determine the wrong date.

[For a list of recent blunders, let me direct you to The Doomsday List.]

The fact that others have failed at this task does not absolutely preclude the possibility that everyone who tries to set a date for Armageddon will also fail. Does it?

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists have tracked the probability of an End Times resulting from nuclear war for decades. Never offering a specific date, they have, nevertheless, offered the public the inside scoop (and pretty good betting odds) on how imminent such a scenario seems likely.  Currently it's set for 6 minutes before BOOM!

[P.S. If you are feeling (un)Lucky, you can place a chit at End of World Betting. The odds? 1,000.000/1].

For years, Nostradamus guided the doomsayers. His predictions seem rather old hat - quaint - for the New Millennium.

 Today, EOW believers are more likely to cite the Mayan Calendar.
 Personally, ARELLE is inclined to the scientific-rational theories that spell out the word KA-B-O-O-M!

Sure, like everyone else, I’m concerned about melting polar caps, the collapse of Greenland glaciers, the de-glaciation of mountain ranges, and the Amazon’s conversion into housing tracts.

Still, the one concept that seems to be most convincing is the theory promulgated by astrophysicist Donald Brownlee and paleontologist Peter Ward. 

In their book, The Life and Death of Planet Earth, they focus our attention on the life cycle of our SUN! According to their study, we only have some 500 billion years to go before - well, before it's LIGHTS OUT

Sounds like a long time away, does it? Well, only because you haven’t been born 499,999.999,999 years from now! To allow us to better relate to this crisis, Brownlee and Ward analyzed the lifespan of our SUN and created a 12-hour model to explain such an unfathomable timeline. According to their hypothesis:

A)  It is now 4:30 AM. 
B)  Our “day in the sun” will be over by 5 AM. 
      And, the clock ticks on - as if anyone will
C)  By 8 AM, the oceans will vaporize, and 
D) by NOON, of course, it's Checkout Time.

No Exceptions!
And, that, my friends, is some fade-to-black scenario. And, it will all happen within the next 7.5 billion years!

Are you prepared? 
Well, until further down the road... Keep smiling . . . and, remember . . .Hmmmmm . . .How does that ol' Beatle song go?

Oh, yeah . . . I remember.     THE END.  RL

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm glad that I still completed my homework even with the world ending! I'm pretty sure that Jenna would not accept "Hey, that guy said the world was ending!" as an excuse. I really enjoy the pictures and links that you include on your blog.
    Paula Phillips
